Dr. Saber’s Blog

Outstanding Plastic Surgery Results: How Long Do They Last?

It makes sense to want to know how long your cosmetic procedure results will last. Plastic surgery is expensive and typically comes with short-term discomfort. During your initial consultation, your plastic surgeon should let you know what to expect regarding:

  • What your plastic surgery results will look like.
  • When your final results will appear.
  • How long your new look will last.

It’s critical to remember that your body continues to age after cosmetic surgery, no matter what procedure you may have. But with technological advancements in aesthetic surgery, patients weather the aging process and still feel refreshed and good about themselves.

There are also steps you can take to prolong cosmetic surgery results. For example, a healthy lifestyle plays a significant factor in maintaining your results. This includes eating right, exercising, maintaining a healthy weight, not smoking, and applying sunscreen and moisturizer.

So how long does plastic surgery last?  

The duration of your plastic surgery results depends on many factors. But a key one is what procedure you underwent. For that reason, we’ve broken this section down by procedure to set realistic expectations.

How long do plastic surgery results last

How long does a nose job last?  

Also known as a rhinoplasty, this procedure can last a lifetime. However, it can take a year to see the final results of a nose job. Though a nose job typically lasts a lifetime, subtle changes from aging and gravity sometimes necessitate a second procedure to re-correct the shape and size of the nose.

How long does liquid rhinoplasty last?  

A liquid rhinoplasty, which injects fillers into the nose, lasts between six and nine months. When the results fade, patients can “top off” with another injection. Patients desiring permanent results may want to consider a surgical rhinoplasty.

How long do breast implants last?  

The longevity of breast implants is between 10 and 25 years. Breast augmentation — the insertion of saline and silicone implants to increase breast size — is the most popular surgical procedure for women. Though most women keep their breast lifts for decades, 25% of women have another procedure on their breasts within 10 years, typically scar revision or changing implant size.

How long does breast reduction last?

Theoretically, a breast reduction lasts forever. The skin, tissue, and fat removed are gone forever. However, the breasts will start to sag with age and may grow again due to weight gain.

How long does a breast lift last?

A breast lift can last for many years, depending on the individual. If I was to give a ballpark figure, it would be that it will last about 10 to 15 years. Though some patients may want a revision sooner. Your breasts continue to change over time, even after breast lift surgery, due to age, weight fluctuations, and even genetics.

How long does a Brazilian butt lift (BBL) last?  

A BBL —transplanting your body’s fat cells to the buttocks — lasts five to six years. However, it will take months for the final rear size to appear.

Like with any surgery, how you care for yourself afterward is critical. Be kind to your butt after surgery if you want your BBL to last. When you receive a BBL, the majority of the transplanted fat cells are reabsorbed by your body. The fat cells that survive will stay in your buttocks forever.

Taking care of your body with diet and exercise may allow your BBL to last for decades.

How long does a neck lift last?  

Because of the thinness of the skin, the neck is the first area to show aging. This is especially true for patients who have spent much time in the sun. Patients with moderate to severe skin sagging and laxity may expect a neck lift to last anywhere from 5 to 15 years.

As with other forms of plastic surgery, the duration of success depends on the patient’s behavior.

  • Patients who practice excellent skin care, reduced sun exposure, use sunscreen, and don’t smoke may see results last 15 years.
  • Those who spend much of their time outdoors, lead a less active lifestyle, gain weight, eat a poor diet, and smoke or drink might experience results that last about five to seven years.
How long do plastic surgery results last

How long does a tummy tuck last?  

Tummy tucks (abdominoplasty) — like most body contouring procedures — are planned to be permanent. Whether you’re considering an abdominoplasty on its own, as an accompaniment to weight loss, or as part of a mommy makeover, we understand that you want your results to last as long as possible.

While the excess skin that has been surgically removed will never come back, substantial weight gain or loss may cause the tightened abdominal skin to lose pliability. Also, becoming pregnant after a tummy tuck will undo the benefits of your tummy tuck and may damage the stomach muscles.

Is chin liposuction permanent?  

Liposuction permanently removes fat. If the skin is well cared for, chin liposuction results can last up to 10 years.

How long do cheek implants last?  

Cheek implants, an hour-long surgery performed under general anesthesia, can provide lifetime rejuvenation of the cheeks. However, if a patient wants to undo surgery at any time, removing the silicone is a 10-minute procedure.

How long does eyelid surgery last?  

The duration of eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) results depends on the procedure performed. Upper eyelid surgery typically lasts about 10 years. As the face ages, patients often require a second surgery.

However, a lower eyelid lift lasts a lifetime, with a follow-up rarely required.

How long does a facelift last?  

Time never stops, and the body’s collagen production slows down as we age. Collagen makes the skin elastic, so lower collagen production results in sagging skin and loss of elasticity. Because collagen production continues to slow down with age, very few facial plastic surgeries claim to last forever.

During a facelift (rhytidectomy), the surgeon makes an incision along the hairline and behind the ear and then lifts and tightens the skin.

Several factors play into how long a facelift lasts.

  • Patients younger than 60 usually respond well to a facelift.
  • People who already have healthy skin may have excellent results.
  • Protecting your skin from sun damage will prolong your results.
  • Patients who do not smoke and eat well may have long-lasting results.

Looking for long-lasting plastic surgery results? Consult with Dr. Saber  

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sepideh Saber prides herself on delivering long-lasting, natural-looking cosmetic surgery results. With her years of experience, she can set realistic expectations and have you walking out of her office feeling like your best self.

Dr. Saber’s training in plastic and reconstructive surgery serves patients undergoing any plastic surgery procedure.

To request a consultation, call (877) 205-4100 or schedule a consultation online.

Dr. Saber takes her patients’ safety very seriously. Her facility’s Covid-19 patient safety procedures exceed all CDC and World Health Organization recommendations. Masks are required in our office at all times.

The practice of Dr. Saber is located in Encino, CA for patients throughout the Los Angeles area. We are also convenient to Encino, Woodland Hills, Sherman Oaks, Calabasas, Burbank, Glendale, Hidden Hills, Agoura Hills, Northridge, North Hollywood, Malibu, Topanga, Canoga Park, Reseda, Valley Glen, Chatsworth, West Hills, Winnetka, Universal City, Bel Air, Beverly Hills, Downtown Los Angeles, Silverlake, and Echo Park.

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    Dr. Sepideh Saber, MD, FACS

    👩🏻‍⚕️ Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
    🏫 Stanford/USC/NYU Trained
    🏥 Encino, CA | Book a Free Consult
    ☎️ (833) 215-0500
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    ✨A beautiful breast reduction by Dr. Saber! She is only 4 weeks Post-Op and we are absolutely thrilled with her results✨

Give us a call to set up a complimentary consultation with #DrSaber who will create a customized plan for you!

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    Breast implants have come a long way! 👙✨ Gummy bear implants are gaining attention as a durable and natural-looking alternative to traditional options. Curious about the benefits? Tap the link in my bio to learn more. 

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    Throwback to 2019! ☺️👶🏻❤️
    ✨ Our beautiful patient came in for a Tummy Tuck, Lipo of Abdomen and Flanos, and Fat Transfer to the hips . ✨

Our Tummy Tuck procedure reduces excess skin, tissue, and fat around the abdomen as well as tightening abdominal muscles, while Liposuction uses a suction technique to remove the fat from specific areas of the body that holds onto fat deposits.

Liposuction is not a substitute for our Tummy Tuck. However, depending on our patient both can go great together and gives amazing results!

Her after photo is 6 weeks post op. 

Give us a call to set up a complimentary consultation with #DrSaber who will create a customized plan for you!

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    ✨ Our patient is 4 weeks post Tummy Tuck and Breast Reduction.

Her scars are a bit fresh. Overtime they will heal and become less visible. ✨

Give us a call to set up a complimentary consultation with #DrSaber who will create a customized plan for you!
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🔸 info@saberplasticsurgery.com ⁠
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    My patients' happiness always comes first, it drives me every day to deliver the best care possible. 🌸

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  • What patients say about Dr. Saber

    Over 16 Reviews

    I was fortunate to find Dr. Saber after researching board-certified surgeons who specialize in breast cancer reconstruction revision surgery. I knew I was in good hands from the moment I spoke with the lovely and efficient Marlene, Dr Saber's office manager. Dr Saber patiently listened to my concerns and, after examining me, explained what I could realistically expect the outcome to be from another surgery. She also explained to me that she would need to review my previous surgery notes before we could discuss a possible further surgery, which I found comforting and highly ethical. I also discussed a couple of other procedures that I would like done, including fat removal from my large upper arms that had caused me great embarrassment for several years. Dr. Saber is an excellent surgeon who is incredibly kind and genuine. She truly understands the female body and the emotional aspect of body insecurities yet, she is transparent about what can and cannot be done and takes time to discuss realistic expectations and outcomes. My breast reconstruction revision surgery will take place in the New Year, but in the meantime, I have the most fabulous upper arms that I recently flaunted in a strapless dress (something I have not done in years). Dr Saber is truly one of a kind, and I still cannot believe how fortunate I am to have found her. I highly recommend Dr Saber.

    Linda DeCarlo November 29, 2023

    I don’t have enough wonderful words to describe Dr Saber and Marlene! I had a tummy tuck done this year and from start to finish the entire experience was amazing. Marlene is always so helpful and works so hard to make every detail a breeze for you. When I had my consultation with Dr Saber I was at a point of complete agony with my body. She instantly took that stress and frustration off my shoulders! As a woman not being heard by doctors for years I left that consultation with happy tears knowing I had finally found my Dr. It was a major surgery and I felt completely zen and at peace going in because she really does make you feel that safe. I didn’t think I would ever look the way I do now! She gave me the gift of having the body I kept fighting for. I will never stop recommending her.

    Monica Prusa October 9, 2023

    I saw Dr. Saber when I broke my wrist. I ended up having to have surgery. She did an excellent job and I am healing nicely. She was very professional, but was also very kind and compassionate. I would highly recommend her!!

    Sandy Schaupp September 13, 2022

    I LOVED DR SABER!!! There are a few reasons why I chose her. One was because she’s a female Doctor that was my goal who also did a good job (which I was able to confirm with all her before and after photos) and what sold me was my safety in mind. She made me feel like I was in the best hands ever along with Marlene who coordinated everything THANK YOU LADIES! Dr Saber helped me get back the body I have always desired. I had a lot of stomach fat from weight gain and I lost weight so a lot of my weight was in my front lower and upper abdomen. Now I have a super beautiful curvy body like an hourglass after a tummy tuck and lipo she did. She understood the assignment hahaha . I’m 32 years old no kids just wanted to enjoy my younger body looking and feeling beautiful and she really took good care of me. Even after hours I had an emergency due to my fault but she was there and got back to me very quickly and I’m very grateful. I also think her work says a lot because I stopped taking pain medication on the 3rd day after surgery and was fine with very minimal pain I was able to tolerate the healing process. Highly recommend going with her I just had a wonderful experience and would do it all over again if I had too. Maybe after I have kids. Thanks Dr Saber and team <3

    STEPHANIE d July 15, 2022

    Dr.Saber is by far one of the best plastic surgeons. I love how she takes her time to explain any procedure to the patients understanding. She always makes sure to answers any and all questions.From fillers to body contours she’s the one you want.

    Katherine Melara February 15, 2022

    Dr Saber is amazing! She is caring and very informative. I went in for fillers and she explained procedure step by step. I highly recommend her and look forward to future visits.

    Amanda Vazquez December 18, 2020

    Dr. Saber was friendly, knowledgeable and professional. She took time to listen, answer all my questions and was forthright in her recommendations. Her staff was friendly and helpful. I was very happy with the results and plan on going back. If you are looking for a first rate professional experience look no further she is the doctor for you!

    T R December 18, 2020

    Dr. Saber is one of a kind plastic surgeon with a heart of gold. She is a well verse plastic surgeon that puts her patient's needs before anything else. She genuinely cares about every single patient, and her work speaks for itself. I notice every post-operative result on her Instagram (@saberplasticsurgery) the patients have this glow that radiates through. I have been going to Dr. Saber for my Botox for the past 3 years, and love the results every time. I know who I will be going to for any future plastic surgery needs, and will confidently refer family and friends to Dr. Saber for any Botox, fillers, and plastic surgery consultations.

    Rudy Garcia December 16, 2020

    I have nothing but great things to say about Dr. Saber! I am so pleased with my results from a breast augmentation she performed on me back in late June! She answered all my questions and concerns before and after my surgery. She’s very easy to get in contact with and she’s so nice. She made feel so comfortable throughout the whole process. 100/10 Lover her work!!

    Amanda Villegas October 15, 2020

    Dr Saber is hands down the best surgeon! She took her time answering my questions and explained procedure in detail. After doing liposuction six months ago, I am extremely happy with my results and I appreciate her so much.

    Marlene Cosentino October 15, 2020

    Dr. Saber is so kind and thorough with her patients! She is an amazing doctor and genuinely cars about everyone she comes in contact with. I would recommend her to anyone for any hand surgery or cosmetic procedure.

    Rachel Meach October 15, 2020